All Resources SocialSpread Kindness and Gratitude 10 Ways to Spread Kindness and Gratitude on Social Media

10 Ways to Spread Kindness and Gratitude on Social Media

  1. Start an “acts of kindness” chain. Post an act of kindness and tag three people, encouraging them to post their own acts of kindness (e.g., make a thank-you sign for your local delivery person or bake a treat for someone in your household).
  2. Share your inspiration. If you see a heartwarming story or act of kindness, share it to inspire others. Upworthy, Good News Network and Tank’s Good News are great places to start.
  3. Become a video star. Film a fun video to make others smile — it could be of you dancing, you and your kids playing together or your family celebrating little milestones at home.
  4. Capture a moment of well-being. Share a photo or video that captures a moment in your day dedicated to well-being. Here are some ideas of moments to share: a healthy homemade meal, a quick walk in your neighborhood or a home workout.
  5. Share your well-being journey. Write about what focusing on well-being has meant for you during this challenging time.
  6. Bring gratitude into your workday. Write and share a longer blog-style post about how you are spreading kindness and gratitude with your colleagues and how it has impacted your outlook.
  7. Show your gratitude. Tag three people that you are grateful for and explain why. Ask them to tag three people that they in turn are grateful for.
  8. Prompt gratitude in others. Ask and answer fun questions about gratitude and also encourage others to answer questions. Here are some ideas: What’s your favorite meal? What was the highlight of your day yesterday? What in your life is bringing you joy right now?
  9. Challenge yourself to “10 days of gratitude.” For 10 days in a row, share one thing or person you are grateful for. Each day, nominate a new person to join the challenge.
  10. Get a compliment, give a compliment. Start a compliment chain. Post something positive about someone in your life and include a specific, meaningful compliment. Challenge that person to pass it on.

When posting, please keep in mind AECOM’s Social Media Policy and Code of Conduct. You will need to be logged into the AECOM network to access these documents.

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