Home News & Articles International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day

September 8 is International Literacy Day. Started in 1966 by UNESCO, International Literacy Day reminds us that literacy is a human right and encourages awareness for literacy challenges around the world. Studies also show that 75% of children who fall behind in their reading level by age nine will struggle to read their whole lives1.

This year’s theme is “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.” It focuses on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable societies.

Help fight illiteracy this year with these activities:

  1. Donate books to local classrooms.
    Give the gift of reading to the next generation. Consider donating new or gently used books to your local elementary school.
  1. Start a community lending library.
    Concepts such as “Little Free Libraries” have taken off in recent years. These neighborhood bookstands consist of donated books that the community can borrow based on the honor system – there are no time restrictions or late return fees! If you don’t already have a lending library in your neighborhood, look into starting one and enlist your friends and neighbors to help build.
  2. Make reading a family affair.
    Read stories with your children to support their brain development, word recognition and language skills. Discover new books in the WellBeingAtAECOM.com Resource Center.

Reading offers other well-being benefits, including improved memory function and concentration, better sleep, and reduced anxiety and stress.

Do you have a book that is close to your heart or has changed your life in some way? Leave a comment below and share it with your colleagues.

Learn more ways you can improve your well-being by reading on WellBeingatAECOM.com, along with all of the tools and resources AECOM has to offer for your total well-being.

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