For Managers

Manager Tips: Boost Your Team’s Commitment to Sustainability

Keeping our planet healthy takes all of us working together. By encouraging employees to think globally and act locally, we can take small steps toward big change. Here are some positive ways you can boost your team’s commitment to sustainability. Bring plants into your office — whether at home or onsite. All plants absorb carbon dioxide, so the more plants we grow, the more carbon dioxide is absorbed. Ditch the disposables and switch to reusable. Encourage team members working onsite to bring their own mugs, bowls, water bottles and utensils.

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Manager Tips: Challenge Your Team to Save

Keeping finances under control can be a challenge — especially when expenses increase unexpectedly. These changes can lead to financial stress, which may negatively affect an employee’s performance, their ability to focus at work, and their productivity. Helping your employees improve their financial well-being can reduce stress levels and enable them to thrive both personally and professionally. There are many simple things we can all do to reduce our spending (and our stress), and it’s more fun to take these steps together than on our own. That’s why we’ve created

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Manager Tips: Spread Kindness

Kindness is a powerful driver of positive workplace culture. Spreading kindness within your team can help team members feel more connected with each other, even when working remotely or in different locations. It can also reduce stress and lead to increased productivity. As a manager, you can help promote kindness among your team, which can create a ripple effect throughout the workplace. Here are 5 actions you can take to encourage your team members to be kind to one another and themselves. Encourage your team to embrace kindness. Play a

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Manager Tips: Build Resilience

Change — and the challenge that comes with it — is inevitable in organizations, as well as in life. By building resilience, we can equip ourselves and our teams to deal with change in a healthy way, and even grow from change. Here are some ways you and your team can build resilience: Promote a healthy balance between work and life. The more we build in time for things that relax and recharge us, like family and self-care, the better we’ll be able to focus and manage demanding or unexpected

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