Be Well

Well-Being Events

Sign up for events to help you be your best in your professional and personal life.

WELLbinar: Your health and wealth — what’s the connection (Canada)

The link between mental, physical and financial well-being is strong. Money may not buy happiness, but your relationship with it can impact your health. Stress caused by money troubles, or a lack of financial knowledge, can affect your mental and physical well-being. In this WELLbinar we review physical, mental and financial health and how they are integrated, how financial stress can impact you and how having a plan helps you be prepared to manage financial stress. This WELLbinar is best suited for anyone who wants to focus on mental, physical and financial well-being as part of their overall financial plan.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Benefits of walking (U.S.)

Learn about the mental and physical health benefits of walking and some ways you can change up your walking routine.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Your health and wealth — what’s the connection (Canada)

The link between mental, physical and financial well-being is strong. Money may not buy happiness, but your relationship with it can impact your health. Stress caused by money troubles, or a lack of financial knowledge, can affect your mental and physical well-being. In this WELLbinar we review physical, mental and financial health and how they are integrated, how financial stress can impact you and how having a plan helps you be prepared to manage financial stress. This WELLbinar is best suited for anyone who wants to focus on mental, physical and financial well-being as part of their overall financial plan.

Language offered: French

WELLbinar: Get to know your mind traps (U.S.)

Stressful moods and the negative thoughts that come with them can prevent us from seeing things as they really are. During this WELLbinar, you'll learn how to recognize certain common habitual styles of thinking that keep us stuck, otherwise known as "mind traps." To register for this WELLbinar, create an eM Life account and log in at

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: The power of the pause (U.S.)

Learn how stress affects your physical and mental well-being, how to tap into the power of a pause to calm your body and create space for more mindful choices, and three practices you can use anytime, anywhere to relax, refocus and renew. To register for this WELLbinar, create an eM Life account and log in at

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Financial wellness: Mind over money (U.S.)

This WELLbinar will help you understand why you spend, why you save and what money means to you. We'll explain the “neuroscience of money” and how to leverage your money value system to reach your financial goals.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: EFT tapping for managing stress and anxiety (U.S., Canada)

If you're looking for a new way to manage your anxiety and stress, EFT-tapping might be the perfect fit for you. This session will introduce you to a simple, powerful process that has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels. Tapping has been used by millions of people around the world to heal their bodies and minds and get back into balance after experiencing an emotional setback or loss. Join us for an interactive discussion to hear about the benefits of this mind-body healing method. Also, learn about Libbie, an on-demand mental wellness chatbot that teaches you how to include tapping into your daily routine.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Managing your money (Canada)

Many Canadians are aware of how important managing their money is. And at the same time, many also struggle with debt and have a hard time saving for the future. This WELLbinar focuses on understanding and defining your own personal priorities and goals, discusses tax efficiencies and how to protect your investments. This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings.

This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: SH’BAM (dancing fitness class)

Join us for a virtual SH’BAM dance fitness class — it’s a fun-loving, addictive, cardio-based dance workout to popular hit songs, and no dance experience is required. Meeting ID: 850 1084 1427; Passcode: 543785

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: SH’BAM (dancing fitness class)

Join us for a virtual SH’BAM dance fitness class — it’s a fun-loving, addictive, cardio-based dance workout to popular hit songs, and no dance experience is required. Meeting ID: 892 2848 3647; Passcode: 102248

Language offered: English