Be Well

Well-Being Events

Sign up for events to help you be your best in your professional and personal life.

WELLbinar: Alzheimers disease and dementia care (U.S., Canada)

In recognition of World Alzheimer's Month, this session will cover the signs, symptoms and stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, day-to-day caregiving techniques, financial assistance and insurance and resources for caregivers.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Journaling and writing for personal growth

Join this WELLbinar to learn how to make journaling and free writing part of your daily routine. Doing so can help you reach your personal (SMART) goals, be more creative, feel grateful for what you have, ease your anxiety, reduce your stress and much more. Learn how to get started — and stick with it.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Managing your money (Canada)

Many Canadians are aware of how important managing their money is. And at the same time, many also struggle with debt and have a hard time saving for the future. This WELLbinar focuses on understanding and defining your own personal priorities and goals, discusses tax efficiencies and how to protect your investments. This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings. This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings.

Language offered: French

WELLbinar: Journaling and writing for personal growth

Join this WELLbinar to learn how to make journaling and free writing part of your daily routine. Doing so can help you reach your personal (SMART) goals, be more creative, feel grateful for what you have, ease your anxiety, reduce your stress and much more. Learn how to get started — and stick with it.

Languages offered: English, Mandarin

WELLbinar: Succeed at work: Overcoming burnout (U.S.)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of everyday life, then this WELLbinar will help bring your life back into balance. Learn to identify the symptoms of burnout and strategies for coping with and avoiding it.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Financial health with Penny Finance (U.S., Canada)

This WELLbinar, led by HealthKick partner Penny Finance, is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your financial well-being, recognizing the importance of financial stability as it relates to your overall health.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Important teen health issues (U.S.)

This candid WELLbinar will help parents understand the physical changes of boys and girls during puberty and how to cope with these changes. We'll discuss the importance of supporting your teen’s mental and physical health.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Nutrition 101 (U.S.)

During this WELLbinar you'll learn about food and nutritional requirements and the importance of eating for a healthy life. We'll review the benefits of good nutrition, components of a healthy meal and tips for healthy eating and meal planning.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Managing remote (or hybrid) employees

As organizations make remote and flexible arrangements a permanent part of the work environment, some leaders worry: “How do I know if my employees are really working?” This training will cover new dynamics of leadership in this changing environment and discuss whether the question above is really the best one for you to be asking yourself (hint, it’s not). This session will discuss common concerns in the remote environment, including miscommunication, inefficient meetings and the value of trust. Key skills include managing communications, establishing meeting guidelines and identifying workplace behaviors that build, sustain or break trust.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Staying the course (Canada)

This WELLbinar addresses how to stay calm during fluctuations in market values. The discussion includes reviewing your priorities and goals and knowing your comfort with risk.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Staying the course (Canada)

This WELLbinar addresses how to stay calm during fluctuations in market values. The discussion includes reviewing your priorities and goals and knowing your comfort with risk.

Language offered: French

WELLbinar: Managing remote (or hybrid) employees

As organizations make remote and flexible arrangements a permanent part of the work environment, some leaders worry: “How do I know if my employees are really working?” This training will cover new dynamics of leadership in this changing environment and discuss whether the question above is really the best one for you to be asking yourself (hint, it’s not). This session will discuss common concerns in the remote environment, including miscommunication, inefficient meetings and the value of trust. Key skills include managing communications, establishing meeting guidelines and identifying workplace behaviors that build, sustain or break trust.

Language offered: Mandarin