Be Well

Well-Being Events

Sign up for events to help you be your best in your professional and personal life.

WELLbinar: Talking about the ‘S’ Word (APAC)

Hosted by Cigna One in five adults say that they have had suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, yet it remains a topic that many struggle to discuss openly. This stigma is commonly considered the reason why help is not sought. In addition, many people feel uncomfortable having difficult conversations for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. This session aims to demystify challenging topics such as suicide and self-harm, and help participants understand ways to tackle taboos, help someone in distress, and together, make a difference. […]

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Talking about the ‘S’ Word

Hosted by Cigna One in five adults say that they have had suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, yet it remains a topic that many struggle to discuss openly. This stigma is commonly considered the reason why help is not sought. In addition, many people feel uncomfortable having difficult conversations for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. This session aims to demystify challenging topics such as suicide and self-harm, and help participants understand ways to tackle taboos, help someone in distress, and together, make a difference. […]

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Creating your retirement income (Canada)

This session dives deep into retirement planning concepts — it focuses on retirement risks, retirement income sources and how they help to mitigate risk, and considerations to create your retirement roadmap. This session is best suited to those age 50 or older.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Creating your retirement income (Canada)

This session dives deep into retirement planning concepts — it focuses on retirement risks, retirement income sources and how they help to mitigate risk, and considerations to create your retirement roadmap. This session is best suited to those age 50 or older.

Language offered: French

WELLbinar: Social media, tech and our kids (U.S.)

Raising a child has never been easy, but in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, everyday parenting challenges have skyrocketed to a whole new level. From social media to screen time, from online bullies to online slang, the dynamics of modern parenting are complex. Join Dr. Jacqueline Nesi, clinical psychologist, professor at Brown University and author of the popular Substack newsletter Techno Sapiens, for a candid discussion about Parenting in the Digital Age. Dr. Nesi is an expert on how technology and social media impact kids' mental health (especially for teens) — and how parents can help their kids navigate it.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Managing your money (Canada)

Many Canadians are aware of how important managing their money is. And at the same time, many also struggle with debt and have a hard time saving for the future. This WELLbinar focuses on understanding and defining your own personal priorities and goals, discusses tax efficiencies and how to protect your investments. This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings. This topic is best suited to anyone who needs help managing their savings.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Journaling and writing for personal growth

Join this WELLbinar to learn how to make journaling and free writing part of your daily routine. Doing so can help you reach your personal (SMART) goals, be more creative, feel grateful for what you have, ease your anxiety, reduce your stress and much more. Learn how to get started — and stick with it.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Journaling and writing for personal growth

Join this WELLbinar to learn how to make journaling and free writing part of your daily routine. Doing so can help you reach your personal (SMART) goals, be more creative, feel grateful for what you have, ease your anxiety, reduce your stress and much more. Learn how to get started — and stick with it.

Languages offered: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese

WELLbinar: Self-care isn’t selfish (U.S., Canada)

Taking time for ourselves can trigger feelings of guilt, as if we're neglecting our families in the process. But it's essential to carve out time for self-care amidst the responsibilities of juggling work, family and caregiving. During this WELLbinar, three of HealthKick’s expert partners in the field of wellness, parenting and mindfulness will guide you on a journey of self-care and empowerment that you can apply in your everyday life.

Language offered: English

WELLbinar: Alzheimers disease and dementia care (U.S., Canada)

In recognition of World Alzheimer's Month, this session will cover the signs, symptoms and stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, day-to-day caregiving techniques, financial assistance and insurance and resources for caregivers.

Language offered: English