World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization. This global initiative helps to increase awareness about health issues and encourage action to improve the well-being of all people.
This year’s observance reminds us to think about our own physical, mental and emotional well-being, with a focus on prevention. Here are some ways to keep yourself healthy:
- Discover healthy ways to cope with life’s challenges and support your emotional and mental well-being.
- Step up your physical activity by increasing your daily steps, or add more activities to your daily routine.
- Get good-quality sleep to enhance your memory and reduce stress and anxiety.
- Decide to eat well with a mindful focus, by engaging all of your senses when shopping, cooking and eating your meals.
- Take a break from your electronic devices for some tech-free family fun.
Visit to discover a variety of helpful resources to support your health and well-being.