All Resources IntellectualCommunicate Effectively Tips and Techniques to Become a Better Writer

Tips and Techniques to Become a Better Writer


Please indicate whether the following statement is true or false. Regular exercise can help you become a better writer.

That's right, good job!

The correct answer is: True

Not quite!

The correct answer is: True

Writing can be intimidating to many people, especially those who don’t write on a regular basis. But writing has many benefits — it helps you…

  • Work through your thoughts and better understand your feelings
  • Clear your mind so you can focus on your work and enjoy your life
  • Stay optimistic, especially when you reflect on and write about gratitude
  • Express your thoughts more clearly and concisely
  • Communicate complex ideas more effectively
  • Improve your critical thinking skills
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • Reduce stress
  • Feel happier

The good news is, almost anyone can improve his or her writing skills with a bit of discipline and a desire to learn and grow.

10 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

The best, and possibly only, way to improve your writing is through practice. Try these tips and techniques, and you’ll be a master writer in no time.

  1. Write every day, even if it’s just a paragraph or page in a journal. Try writing with a pen — handwriting sharpens the gray matter in your brain and forces you to write mindfully. What you write doesn’t matter; what matters is that you write as much as possible, because the more you write, the more your writing will improve.
  2. Read a lot… especially books written by well-published authors, so you can learn from them. You can read a magazine article, a chapter in a novel, a poem or comic book. Mix it up — reading a variety of genres will help you learn and grow. Then note what you like and dislike about what you read. This will help you learn what to do or not to do when you’re writing.
  3. Exercise each day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. You’ll be amazed by how many creative ideas come to you during physical activity.
  4. Keep a small notepad close at hand — or use your notes app on your phone to write down ideas that come to you when you wake up in the middle of the night or while you’re out and about exploring the world around you. Do your best thoughts come to you in the shower? Consider purchasing a waterproof whiteboard, such as a Shower Thoughts Board. You never know when inspiration is going to strike.
  5. Write without editing. Let the words flow, and save the editing for later — even the next day.
  6. Take breaks. To avoid writer’s block, set a timer to write for 30 – 45 minutes and then take a break. Taking a break allows you to clear your mind and review your work from a fresh perspective; it also enhances your creativity, energy and concentration.
  7. Rewrite and rewrite… until you’re content with how your written piece sounds when you read it out loud. When you’re editing, look for things like grammar and spelling mistakes, unnecessary words and confusing sentences. Keep in mind, less is more when it comes to writing. You should strive to write clearly and concisely, using shorter sentences and powerful verbs.
  8. Avoid distractions. Writing is not something you should do with background noise, in dim lighting or when you’re multitasking. Turn off text and email notifications — and the ringer on your mobile phone, if you can.
  9. Write like you talk. Although the rules of grammar are important, more people can relate to your writing when it’s conversational.
  10. Ask for feedback. Whether it’s a friend, family member or colleague who is an avid reader, or a professional writer or editor, ask for critiques of your work, and use the input to improve your writing.


Which of the following activities can help you become a better writer?

That's right, good job!

The correct answer is: Reading

Not quite!

The correct answer is: Reading