All Resources SocialSpread Kindness and Gratitude Manager Tips: Lead with Kindness

Manager Tips: Lead with Kindness

Small acts of kindness benefit the receiver, the giver and the whole organization, contributing to a positive workplace culture and improving the collective well-being of AECOM employees, their loved ones and communities.

As a manager, you can help promote kindness among your team, which can create a ripple effect throughout the workplace. Here are 5 actions you can take to encourage your team members to be kind to one another and themselves.

  1. Encourage your team to embrace kindness.
    Play a game of Kindness Bingo with your team members and then encourage them to submit their kindness moments/stories on the site.
  2. Lead by example.
    Tell your team you are making kindness a focus. Set an intention to do 3-5 kind acts in a day, and watch others follow your lead. Download an app, like Nobly, to capture acts of kindness you see happening around you and share with your team members.
  3. Find every opportunity to recognize and thank your employees for their great work.
    It’s only two simple words, but a simple “thank you” shows you appreciate the effort, dedication and contributions your team members make each day. With so much of our communication through email and other digital platforms, it’s easy to take for granted that a “thank you” is always welcomed and appreciated. If you can’t say it face-to-face, a card or even a quick email will do the trick. See these ways you can embrace an attitude of gratitude and how it impacts organizational performance.
  4. Recognize kindness.
    Improve team cohesion, trust and ultimately team performance by encouraging your team to be kind to one another. Use this certificate to recognize your team members and other colleagues when you observe an extraordinary act of kindness in the workplace.
  5. Don’t count your communications – make your communications count.
    Take breaks to walk, stretch, meditate or practice deep breathing to build self-awareness. Taking breaks increases productivity, reduces stress and can even spark creative problem solving and innovation. It’s also important to practice self-compassion, which can help reduce stress and increase happiness. Start with these self-compassion exercises and encourage your team members to do the same.

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