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Eat Well with Mindful Eating


In general, how would you describe your eating habits?

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We live in an “instant” world in which technology and communication make things happen so quickly, and we always seem so busy as we try to do more, better, stronger and faster. We move fast in everything we do, including our mealtimes. Between fast-food drive-through, take-out/delivery and almost instant meals, eating has become another item to check off our daily to-do list. As a result, many of us have developed unhealthy eating habits that are damaging to our well-being. Mindful eating can help.

Mindful eating helps you maintain awareness of the food and drinks you consume — it’s not counting calories or dieting, although it can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight. To be a more mindful eater, you simply observe and engage all of your senses as you shop for, cook, eat and serve food.

Practicing mindful eating means eating slowly, without distractions, and acknowledging how the food tastes, its texture and how it makes you feel while you’re eating your meal and after you finish your meal. You may find it uncomfortable at first if you’re used to eating while on the go or having bites in-between scrolling on your phone. However, over time, you’ll be surprised at how much more enjoyable mealtime is when you eat mindfully.

Mindful eating has several health benefits, including better digestion, lower calorie consumption, more gratitude for food, less stress and healthier food choices; it also reduces emotional eating, overeating and other unhealthy eating habits.

10 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating

  1. Start with a plan. Create a grocery list before you go food shopping and stick to your list. Refrain from going to the market when you’re hungry. If you do, there’s a good chance that you’ll purchase unhealthy food items.
  2. Stop and read. Reflect on the items you’re buying – read labels and try to stay away from overly processed foods and consider shopping for sustainable foods such as lentils, beans, organic fruits and veggies and local seasonal fish. Remember, you’ll often find the healthiest grocery store items on the perimeters of the store and the more processed items in the middle aisles.
  3. Prepare your meals at home. Prepare a meal with your family or friends at home. Share your favorite recipes for AECOM’s Global Cookbook.
  4. Schedule family meals. Establish a routine by eating at the same time every day with your loved ones (if possible). Ask each person at the table to share why they are grateful for the food they are about to eat.
  5. Take some deep breaths. Before you begin eating, take 5 deep breaths and, as you breathe, think about the nutritional value of the foods you are going to consume.
  6. Use a small plate. Start with small portions (and a small plate). Smaller plates can help you eat less, particularly if you eat until all food is cleared from your plate. Ask yourself if you are full after each bite and think twice before having second (or third) helpings. Also, challenge yourself to make half of your plate full of veggies.
  7. Remove all distractions. Turn off the television, put down your phone and focus on your food and family/friends. Even if you’re eating alone, enjoy the quiet time.
  8. Assess your hunger. Before you open the refrigerator or order food, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry. Consider substituting your snack for a glass of water, a walk or a good read.
  9. Engage all of your senses as you eat. Eat slowly by taking small bites, chewing your food thoroughly and putting your utensils down between bites. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full. By slowing down, you’ll eat less food while still being satisfied.
  10. Start a food journal. Document your eating habits in a journal by noting what you ate throughout the day, your gratitude for the food you have eaten, how the food made you feel and other eating habits you may have noticed. Were you more tired after eating certain meals? Did the meal/snack give you energy? Was it a sustainable choice? By documenting your eating habits, you’ll be more conscious of your eating cues and what causes your poor eating habits.


What do mindful eating practices focus on?

That's right, good job!

The correct answer is: Being aware of what food/drinks you’re consuming

Not quite!

The correct answer is: Being aware of what food/drinks you’re consuming

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