
Benefits for Your World

Explore the benefits offered to eligible employees — and discover the value these plans and programs bring to your life.

Annual Vacation

The Company’s annual leave year is from January 1 to December 31. The number of days an employee is entitled to is outlined in their Contract of Employment. At the time that an employment term commences or terminates, the number of vacation days will be proportionally adjusted, as will be the case for part-time working hours contract.

Wellness Allowance

An annual ‘Friskvårdsbidrag’ of a maximum of SEK 5,000 per employee is available. The aim is to increase the well-being of our employees. Employee claims this benefit via Reimbursable Expense Records.

Glasses Contribution

If, in the course of your job, you are a user or are likely to become a user of Display Screen Glasses (terminalglasögon), you can submit a request for reimbursement for the cost of the glasses to AECOM. AECOM will pay for the eye test and basic spectacles that are prescribed to correct vision defects at the viewing distance used specifically for display screen. Reimbursement of costs should be claimed via the Reimbursable Expense Records Procedure and receipts will be required. Always consult your line manager before arranging an eyesight test as we work with a dedicated supplier. Written approval from your manager must be obtained before any purchases are made. The maximum total amount for the eye test, glasses and frames is 1500 SEK, which will be reimbursed by AECOM. Employees who work in the field and need special field glasses will be reimbursed based on the above guidelines. In the event glasses exceed 1500 SEK, additional approval based on an offer needs to be obtained from the manager. AECOM works with a preferred supplier, Synsam.


The employee will be enrolled in AECOM’s pension scheme. The pensionable salary that serves as the base for the pension premium consists of the monthly salary including vacation supplement (monthly salary x 12.2). AECOM Nordic AB pays a premium consisting of a percentage of the employee’s pensionable salary towards the employee’s occupational pension every month. Pension can be enhanced via salary exchange and bonus investment. Disability insurance premiums are not included in the percentage plan but are instead paid on top of this by AECOM Nordic AB for the employees.

Sickness Benefits: Disability Insurance/Complementary

Employees are covered by disability insurance according to the following:
  • The disability insurance is activated for cases of illness lasting longer than 90 days.
  • The disability insurance is a supplement to the sickness benefit payable by Försäkringskassan. The right to disability insurance applies for an incapacity for work due to illness of at least 25%, and in such case in proportion to the degree of incapacity for work.
  • The disability insurance applies for employees 18 years of age and older. The insurance provider is Skandia. Premiums are paid by AECOM Nordic AB.

Sickness / Survivor Protection

Work injury insurance (TFA) is a collective insurance that covers all employees and is provided as a complement to the Work Injury Insurance Act (Lagen om arbetsskadeförsäkring). TFA may pay benefits both during an acute illness period and if a work injury results in permanent invalidity. The insurance provider for TFA is FORA AB. Premiums are paid by AECOM Nordic AB.


The provider is EURO ACCIDENT. This is universal to all employees. Sjukvårdsförsäkring PrivatAccess silver – Euro Accident.

Freedom to Grow

As an AECOM employee, you have flexible daily working hours options that provide support beyond normal working hours.

If you have any questions about Sweden’s employee benefits or wellness programs, please open a case through the Employee Center or raise a case through the Employee Center.

Global Benefits

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