News & Articles

4 easy ways to boost planet well-being

Spending time outside can help you feel calm and peaceful, making way to greater connection with others and improved creativity and resilience. Celebrate World Environment Day on June 5 by enjoying time outdoors and building healthier planet well-being habits.  Spend time outside Connect with nature by taking a walk, riding your bike or planting a garden. These activities are easy to do, cost little to nothing and are good for your overall well-being.  Take the environmental consciousness quiz Test your knowledge and learn more about developing healthier habits that can […]

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Take Care of Yourself on International Self-Care Day

International Self-Care Day is recognized annually on July 24 to raise awareness about the importance of self-care in your overall health. Making healthy activities a part of your daily routine can help you reduce stress, increase energy and sleep better, leading to better well-being and happiness. Here are some easy ways to make self-care a daily priority: Use relaxation techniques to manage stress and reduce burnout. Take photos of people or places that inspire you. Photography can help you improve your mental health and build connections with others. Discover 10

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Strengthen Your Friendships on International Day of Friendship

On July 30, we celebrate International Day of Friendship – a day to recognize the strengths of our relationships and promote the benefits of friendship around the world. Friends enrich our lives and make them better. Those relationships can also be a lifeline during challenging times. Each International Day of Friendship reminds us to appreciate and be thankful for the people who have had a lasting impact on our lives. Here are some tips to help you strengthen your friendships: Reconnect with an old friend by giving them a call

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Elevate your physical well-being this month

Elevate Your Physical Well-Being

Being active can increase your longevity and quality of life by preventing illness, reducing anxiety, enhancing learning and improving your quality of sleep. Check out these four ways you can boost your physical well-being to develop a more active lifestyle.    Step it up Increase your daily steps! Use a fitness tracker to see your average number of step and challenge yourself to increase it each week. Stay flexible Sitting for long hours can take a toll on your body. Stay flexible by stretching throughout the day to prevent aches

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World Environment Day

June 5 is designated as World Environment Day, a day that encourages global awareness and action to protect the environment. Each year, the United Nations promotes activities that are focused on preserving and enhancing the environment. This year’s theme is “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience.”  Here are some ways you can support the environment:  Develop a water conservation plan with action steps and timetable to help monitor your progress. Learn more about ways your household can reduce its carbon footprint while at home, traveling, preparing food and more.   Hear

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International Men’s Health Week

Bring more attention to the needs of men’s health during International Men’s Health Week. Celebrated June 10-16, this week shines a spotlight on health conditions that primarily impact men. Often overlooked by men is the need for regular medical visits to ensure they are taking care of their physical health. Also essential to good health is taking a proactive approach to good health, including eating well, exercising more and getting a good night’s sleep. Here are some ways to encourage the men in your life improve their health and well-being

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International Day of Families

Families are at the heart of a healthy and stable society. To recognize their importance, the United Nations established May 15 as the International Day of Families. This year’s theme focuses on “Families & Climate Change,” providing an opportunity to increase awareness of the challenges affecting families worldwide.  Here are some ways you can help your family be strong and care for the planet: Discover 10 tips to form social connections which help create a sense of belonging. People who are socially connected live happier and longer lives with fewer

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Global Road Safety Week

Keeping yourself and your loved ones safe while driving or biking is a priority for everyone around the world. Unfortunately, road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).  To increase awareness, May 10-14, 2024 is designated as Global Road Safety Week. This annual observation is a good reminder to all drivers to follow local traffic laws and driving regulations.  Here are more ways you can reduce your risk of road-related injuries: Get good, quality sleep so you are alert

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World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization. This global initiative helps to increase awareness about health issues and encourage action to improve the well-being of all people. This year’s observance reminds us to think about our own physical, mental and emotional well-being, with a focus on prevention. Here are some ways to keep yourself healthy: Discover healthy ways to cope with life’s challenges and support your emotional and mental well-being. Step up your physical activity by increasing

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World Creativity and Innovation Day

World Creativity and Innovation Day is observed every year on April 21 to increase awareness about the importance of creativity and innovation in human development and the role they play in making the world a better place. The United Nations (U.N.) established this global observance to encourage individuals and groups to think in new ways about solving challenging international problems. Here are some ways to inspire your own creativity and problem-solving abilities: Unleash your creative abilities with a favorite hobby. Create art, build, cook or learn a new language –

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