
Benefits for Your World

Explore the benefits offered to eligible employees — and discover the value these plans and programs bring to your life.

Hospitalization Insurance

Hospitalization Insurance via DKV Belgium, plan IS+, is paid by AECOM. Unlimited reimbursement if the health insurance company intervenes; if not, reimbursement up to 50% of the medical costs incurred in direct connection with a hospitalization + ambulant care for 27 severe diseases. The same principle accounts for the medical costs, directly related to the disease, that have been made one month before and three months after the hospitalization. The employee can choose to add family members to the insurance, at their own costs. 


All employees are added to the collective group insurance at Allianz. The standard pay of the employer to the group insurance is 4% of the gross annual salary (= gross salary*13.92) at the start of the employment. After six years it will be increased to 8%. The pension is only acquired after one year of service.

Life Assurance

Life Assurance is provided via AXA and funded solely by AECOM. In the event of premature death of the insured, a death benefit (max. € 300,000) will be paid to the beneficiary. The provided death benefit is standardly determined at a minimum of 1 x the annual salary, increased by 0.5 x the annual salary per child younger than age 25 and dependent upon the family. Once the minimum death capital has been reached by the accrued pension reserves, the pension reserves accrued at the time of death will be paid out in the event of premature death.


Government and insurance company take over salary payments to a set % (fixed); insurer pays direct to employee after 30 days. Government pays the employee 60% and Insurer (Allianz) tops up to 80%.

Cycle to Work

AECOM offers employees the chance to lease a bike via Cyclis and repay the cost over three years. A bike allowance is paid for everyone (also employees who don’t lease a bike) who cycles to work. Bike days can be added in My Work and Me

Meal Vouchers

Employees receive a meal voucher of € 8 per working day (also when working half a day). AECOM pays € 6.91, the employee pays € 1.09. Employees can check their balance at My Edenred.

Ecological Vouchers

AECOM gives the employee eco vouchers of max. € 250 per year, paid solely by AECOM around June. The employee receives eco vouchers according to the period they have worked and the amount of paid working days (or days that are equal, for example holidays or maternity rest). The employee can purchase ecological items with these vouchers. Employees can check their balance at My Edenred.

Compensation Leave

Each employee gets 12 compensation days (ADV) for working 40 hours per week instead of 38 hours per week, based on fulltime FTE.

Additional Leave

Seniority leave is granted according to the number of years an employee works at AECOM. Per two years, you get an extra day of seniority leave, up to a maximum of four days.

Public Transport

  • Train: AECOM pays full subscription
  • Bus: AECOM pays 72% of subscription


The benefit in kind for private use of a company car is calculated on the basis of the catalogue value, the age of the car and a CO2 coefficient.

Net Expense Allowance

Net payment of €100 – €300 depending on job level (not intern) for home working and expenses < €10.

Holiday Allowance

Employee will get 8% holiday allowance of their gross annual salary paid out every May.

End of Year Bonus

The employer provides for the payment of an end-of-year bonus, in accordance with the modalities and rules laid down by the collective labor agreement of the joint committee.

Freedom to Grow

As an AECOM employee, you have flexible daily working hours options that provide support beyond normal working hours.

AECOM benefits are governed under the rules provided in the applicable plan documents and summary plan descriptions.

If you have any questions about Belgium’s employee benefits or wellness programs, please open a case through the Employee Center or raise a case through the Employee Center.

Global Benefits

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