Toutes les ressources Financier Mettez-vous l’accent sur votre mieux-être financier?

Remarque : If you login before completing this assessment, you can earn WELLwins for your activity and be able to review your results in the future. cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Mettez-vous l’accent sur votre mieux-être financier?

1. What are your top 3 financial concerns?

2. Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neither Agree Nor Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
Finances are not a significant source of stress for me
I can handle a major expense
I am able to meet my basic monthly expenses
I know how to manage my finances
I have a budget plan
I am able to save money each month
I am prepared for a financial emergency
I know how to make well-informed investment decisions
I review my financial security benefits (e.g., life insurance level) every 3 years or less

3. How many months of expenses do you have saved in your emergency fund?
4. How often do you review your budget?
5. How much of your monthly earnings do you save per month?
6. Select the type of debt you currently have (check all that apply)
7. Which of the following debt reduction techniques are you using?

Ces résultats sont fournis à des fins d’information seulement. Ils ne constituent aucunement un diagnostic médical ou psychologique. Veuillez consulter un professionnel agréé pour traiter spécifiquement les difficultés ou les symptômes qui vous affectent.